UNA SANCTA – das ist die E I N E H E I L I G E Kirche
UNA SANCTA – das ist ein Forum ökumenischer Begegnung
UNA SANCTA – das ist dialogische Offenheit für die konfessionelle Vielfalt der Kirche
UNA SANCTA - that is the ONE AND HOLY church
UNA SANCTA - that is a forum for ecumenical encounter
UNA SANCTA - that is openness in dialogue to the denominational diversity of the Church
UNA SANCTA presents quarterly issues with a thematic focus:
UNA SANCTA is edited by Prof. Dr. Daniel Benga (Orthodox), Abbot Dr. Marianus Bieber OSB (Roman Catholic), Prof. Dr. Thomas Bremer (Roman Catholic), Dr. Maria Brun (Roman Catholic), Dr. Dagmar Heller (Lutheran), Prof. Dr. Bernd Jochen Hilberath (Roman Catholic), Prof. Dr. Marco Hofheinz (Reformed Church), Prof. Dr. Bernd Oberdorfer (Evangelical Lutheran), Prof. Dr. Karl Pinggéra (Lutheran), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schuler (Evangelical Methodist), Prof. Dr. Athanasios Vletsis (Orthodox)
UNA SANCTA is embedded in the Una Sancta commitee of Christ the King Institut Meitingen and the Ecumenical Institute of the Benedictine Abbey of Niederaltaich.
Editorial manager: Fr. Johannes Hauck OSB | Inquiries by email
Una Sancta online-edition (from 2012 onwards)
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